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Emaily od falošného „Facebook Ads Team“ nie sú z Facebooku!


Falošné emaily z Facebooku o tom, že ste sa dopustili nejakého problému a účet vám bude blokovaný, alebo obmedzený, prípadne že bola zamietnutá reklama, vystrašia priemerne 5 firiem a civilných ľudí týždenne. Napriek tomu, že Facebook nie je odosielateľom týchto emailov, že odkaz nevedie na Facebook a že vám vo vašom vlastnom rozhraní facebook nepíše nič cez ich interný systém, predsa existuje len čiastočná dôvera a čiastočná pochybnosť. Email z Facebooku musí byť pritom vždy bezvýhradne a jedine z adresy facebook.com. Nikdy nie z akejkoľvek inej. Rovnako ako odkaz na Facebook musí viesť na facebook.com.

falošný email facebook ad team

Určite nie na domény facebookverify.livefreehostinghq.net a iné šialenosti. Skúsenosť s takto jednoduchým podvodom pritom môžete nadobudnúť ľahko. Stačilo by uveriť, že máte naozaj na Facebook problém a poskytnúť prístupy týmto podvodníkom v domnienke, že je to naozaj Facebook. Upozorňujeme a opakujeme, že takéto emaily vám môže poslať ktokoľvek za účelom vylákania hesiel.

Vzhľad a obsah tohto falošné emailu z Facebook Ads team:

Dear, Company

We are contacting you today to address a critical issue that has been identified within your advertising account. It has come to our attention that there has been a violation of our Payment Policy, which requires immediate rectification to prevent any potential disruption to your advertising campaigns.

Violation Detail:

  1. Nature of Violation: 
  • Non-compliance with our Payment Policy
  1. Unauthorized Text Excerpts:
  • Our system has detected irregular and non-compliant payment activities within your account. This includes discrepancies in billing information, use of unauthorized payment methods, and transactions that were not verified as per our security requirements.

What You Need to Do:

1. Review Your Account: 

  •  Please thoroughly review your account’s payment methods and transaction history to identify any inconsistencies or unauthorized activities.
  1. Update Payment Information: 
  • Ensure all your payment information is up-to-date and complies with our Payment Policy guidelines.
  1. Submit Appeal:

    If you believe this is a mistake or if you have already corrected the issue, please submit an appeal to have your account reviewed:

Initiate Appeal Process (odkaz pod týmto slovným spojením nevedie na Facebook.com ale na podivnú nebezpečnú adresu: https://reklamacje-uzytkownikow(bodka)netlify(bodka)app/)

Next Steps: Failure to address this violation promptly may result in temporary suspension or permanent deactivation of your advertising account. We urge you to take immediate action to rectify this issue and ensure your account is in full compliance with our policies.

Our team is here to support you through this process. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.

We appreciate your immediate attention to this matter and your continued cooperation to ensure a secure and trustworthy environment for all our users.Sincerely,
Facebook Ads Team

The post Emaily od falošného „Facebook Ads Team“ nie sú z Facebooku! appeared first on HOAX.

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